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Rabbit neutering near me services at Crofts Vet Surgery

It is best to utilise our rabbit neutering near me services when your fluffy friend is around four months old. A male rabbit's testes are removed during castration, and a female rabbit's uterus and ovaries are removed during spaying. Because sperm can stay in the vaginal system for up to six weeks, it's advisable to keep your rabbit away from females who haven't had their sex before then. Due to their high level of social interaction, neutering a rabbit can help it couple or bond, which will make it happier.

Find out more about Rabbit Health here 

 rabbit neutering near me at crofts

What benefits come with rabbit neutering 

Taking advantage of your rabbit neutering near me service can offer several benefits for your rabbit:

  • Prevents womb infections and unintended pregnancies
  • Can aid in preventing breast cancer and tumours
  • Can also aid in preventing prostate illness and testicular cancer.
  • Helps to stop aggressive behaviour and roaming


Book a rabbit neutering appointment today


How our rabbit neutering near me service works 

For the neutering treatment, your pet needs to be given a general anaesthesia; at Crofts Vets Surgery, we have procedures in place to guarantee their safety throughout the process. Throughout the procedure and the healing period, your pet will be closely observed by a committed Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN). Even while anaesthetic for rabbits is considered to be "high risk," the advantages to health alone greatly exceed the dangers, and rabbit anaesthesia has grown significantly safer over time. 

Age, breed, and any underlying medical issues your pet may have all raise their risk of anaesthesia. In addition to two different forms of pain management, your pet will receive a premedication to help them relax. You can be confident that your pet will have the support of the Crofts Vets Surgery staff at every turn during the rabbit neutering near me procedure.

 pair of rabbits neutured at crofts vets

Spending the day with us 

After the rabbit neutering near me process we will go over the permission form and the protocol upon admittance. Please be aware that the consent form needs to be signed by the registered owner (who must be above 18) or an authorised agent. Your dog, cat, or rabbit will be admitted as a "day patient," and if our team is satisfied with how well your pet has recovered, they will be released later that same day. The staff will go over all the information you require on your pet's post-operative care and pain medication during your pet's discharge appointment. Once your pet is comfortable again at home, please call us if you have any more questions. We are always available by phone for you and your pet. 

We suggest that you bring your rabbit with its companion to lessen the hardship of separation between a bonded pair. Please send your rabbit in a secure box or basket with a blanket that smells like home. It's also better if you pack your bunnies lunch. After a general anaesthetic, we need rabbits to eat very quickly. Having their favourite meals on stand-by can speed up their recuperation and allow us to get your rabbit back home with you as soon as possible. 


Should I let my rabbit have one litter before spaying her?

This is a frequently asked question. There are no established health advantages to allowing your rabbit to have a litter; this also applies to dogs and cats. 


Book an appointment 

If you want to make the most of our rabbit neutering near me services today then book your rabbit in,our kind and professional team here at Crofts Veterinary Practice are ready and waiting.

Contact us today and book an appointment