In an emergency, try not to panic. Phone us on 01428 653056. It is important to phone ahead to ensure we are ready and prepared for your arrival.
All of our OUT OF HOURS will be referred to VetsNow Guildford
Quick Guide To Some Common Pet Emergencies
Please note, this advice is no substitute for a proper consultation and this information is intended for guidance only. Consult us at the earliest opportunity on 01428 653 056.
If your pet is:
- Clean the dirty wound with warm salt water and apply a clean cloth with pressure over the wound.
Seizuring (having a fit)
- Make the room as dark and as quiet as possible. Position your pet out of the way of anything that could cause injury. Remember to avoid touching your pet around its mouth as it may bite you. Make a note of the length of time the seizure lasts. Keep your pet as cool as possible as they can overheat during a seizure. Call the surgery.
- Cool with tepid water and offer water to drink then call the surgery for advice.
If your pet has;
Been hit by a car
- Keep them warm, wrap in a blanket, keeping the nose and mouth exposed. If you think there may be broken bones, keep them as still as possible and place them on a hard moveable surface and transport them to the nearest vet.
Been attacked by a dog
- Keep them warm, wrap in a blanket, keeping the nose and mouth exposed. Do not attempt to break up a dog fight yourself — douse both dogs with water. If you think there may be broken bones, keep them as still as possible and place them on a hard moveable surface and transport them to the nearest vet.