Local Pet Neutering Services
Pet neutering is a surgical procedure performed under general anaesthetic – with the central aim to prevent both male and female pets from reproducing. It is a very worthwhile procedure carried out regularly at the practice, with minimal risk. Neutering your pet is the responsible thing to do as an owner, as it has many health and behavioural benefits for your pet.
Male Cat Neutering & Female Cat Spaying
What is cat neutering?
Cat neutering is a surgical procedure where both testicles are carefully removed on a male. The whole procedure is completed under general anaesthetic and takes roughly half an hour.
What is kitten spaying?
Kitten spaying is the procedure to remove both the uterus and ovaries on a female.
From what age can my kitten be neutered?
Kittens become sexually mature when they are very young, so it is recommended male cats are neutered from 4 months onwards. However, if you adopt or rescue an older cat the surgery can be performed in adulthood.
At what age can my kitten be spayed?
The female spaying procedure can be completed on kittens around 5-6 months of age.
What is the recovery time after cat neutering?
After your male cat has been neutered, we advise them to rest at home for the next few days to ensure they heal well. We usually see that cats return to their normal exercise and routine in 5-7 days.
For females, we advise at least 2 weeks rest and recovery time is required. We will advise you on how best to care for your cat including pain relief and a check-up appointment. It is best to keep them indoors during the recovery period.
Why should I neuter my kitten?
- Castration and spaying prevents the risk of unwanted female cat pregnancies and the associated risks and cost
- Prevents risk associated with mammary tumour and uterus infections
- Lowers the risk of Feline immunodeficiency virus (cat AIDS) and Feline leukaemia virus
- Prevents the risk of testicular tumours and prostatic problems
- Reduce the tendency to roam in search of a mate
- Reduce the risk of disease through fighting e.g., cat bite abscesses
- Reduce the spraying of urine and territorial behaviours.
Book a cat neutering appointment
Male Dog Neutering
What is puppy neutering and spaying?
Puppy neutering is a short surgical procedure where both testicles are carefully removed. The procedure takes roughly half an hour.
Spaying is the removal of ovaries and the uterus in female dogs.
What age can my puppy be neutered or spayed?
Your puppy can be neutered from 6 months old onwards. However, it is recommended for your make dog to have reached maturing before the surgery is performed, which could be up to 2 years in larger dogs.
In females, the spaying procedure can be completed before their first season around six months old, or after their first season.
What is the recovery time after dog neutering?
After your male dog has been neutered, it will need rest at home for the next few days at least to ensure proper healing. We usually see that dogs begin to return to normal exercise and routine in 5-7 days.
As the female spaying operation is more complex, they will need at least 2 weeks of rest and recovery time. This does vary between different breeds and other circumstances. We will give you guidance on how best to care for your dog including pain relief and aftercare appointments.
What are the benefits of dog neutering and spaying?
- Spaying female dogs prevent the risk of unwanted pregnancy and phantom pregnancies
- Prevents risk associated with mammary tumour and uterus infections
- Castration prevents the risk of impregnating a female dog
- Prevents the risk of testicular tumours and prostatic problems
- Can drastically reduce hypersexual behaviour, such as mounting/humping and scent marking
- Can reduce aggression displays to other male dogs
Book a dog neutering appointment
To book in for pet neutering, please contact the practice directly to make an appointment.We will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.